Friday 27 July 2012

And we have Social Media in the red corner...

With the recent New Media Breakfast topic - Social Media vs. SEO The Face Off - Saw two experts in their respected fields square off to see who would be the winner !! Both sides got their own wee digs in here and there, but i think everyone agreed they came away with some great tips from both sides.

So after having a look at what Tim Barlow of Attacat had in the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) corner, it's time to take a look at what's happening on the other ring in the Social Media corner with Gordon White of fatBuzz.

The Hippo Syndrome

 This is something I came across recently that I found very interesting and certainly something I have witnessed all too often. HIPPO stands for Highest Paid Person in the Organisation Syndrome when they have to have their input because they’re the boss.

Don’t be afraid to tell those above you (who probably don’t fully understand social media) that they’re wrong. Argue your point and try to get them to think differently about the way we communicate. Demonstrate how others are doing it and convince them to let you run with it.

It's Not All About You 

All too often people focus their content on the brand, product or service and forget about the customer. You should create content that interests your customers and be aware this is not always about you.

ROI - Investigate the real potential

For this one I want to use the example of a company I went to see recently (It is Solar Panel Electricity although I don’t want to name them) The Sales and Marketing Director explained to me he knew exactly what return he will get for every £1000 spent with call centre tele sales staff. He said, “For every £1000 I spend I get 16 appointment and we convrt one in four appointments to sales”.

He then challenged me that if I could get more than 16 appointments for £1000 he would do any social media activity I suggested. I pointed out to him that this may not be the best way to look at it. Instead, how about if he invested £1000 a month in social media and I could change the conversation rate from 1 in 4 to 1 in 3 - he admitted immediately this would be the best £1000 that he invested.

For more videos from Gordon please visit the Social Media Section on the fatBuzz TV Channel. 

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