Friday 18 October 2013

My mum said, "learn from your mistakes"



I remember my parents saying to me 'learn from your mistakes', and as a child I made plenty, some I learnt from immediately and others took a little longer.

In a way, social media is a bit like childhood, it's in its infancy and we all have lots to learn and we will all make mistakes along the way. Social media has introduced a whole new way of communicating which is changing the way we interact in our personal and business lives so the quicker we can learn how to harness it and make it work for us the better, especially in a business context.

Likewise, we can learn lots from successes and what has worked for other people.

Next Friday's New Media Breakfast will be looking at a broad range of successful (and less successful) social media campaigns and explore what we can learn from them. Perhaps you can adapt something that worked for someone else and make it work for your business. Maybe you'll see something that failed that's similar to something you've done or you're planning to do.

The simple fact is, social media is new territory for most people and we should grasp at whatever knowledge and experience we can in order to avoid the pitfalls and reap the clear benefits.

I have already made the presentation in Edinburgh where it was very well received and it generated a great deal of discussion afterwards. I hope you can make it along, I look forward to seeing you all.

When and where...
Venue: 29 Member’s Club, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow
Date: Friday 25th October 2013
Time: 7.30am for 8am
Cost: £10+VAT


If you are a 29 Member you can attend the breakfast free of charge. Please email with you membership number and he will add you to the attendance list.

We hope you can make it along to this event. If so, I look forward to seeing you on the day.

If you have found this post interesting please share it with your online community using either the Twitter, Facebook and Share buttons below. Thank You.



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