DATE: 28th March 2014
VENUE: 29 Member’s Club, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow
The March New Media Breakfast will be the Case Studies from the Edinburgh breakfast session in February. You will have the opportunity to gain some content ideas from a further two businesses which are entirely different from those used in the previous breakfast.
One business is an established specialist holiday tour operator, the other an accountancy practice. Regardless of your inductry, there will be something for you in the presentation.
Overall, the four businesses were carefully selected to provide a broad range of case studies across different industry sectors, selling to a large variety of target markets. It is well worth hearing both the presentations as we have taken a different approach with each to avoid duplication of content in the presentations.
One of the biggest challenges we come across when talking to organisations about social media is Content - what will we talk about?
Most companies start out really well with some great ideas to get their story out there but they very quickly run out of steam. We see it every week.
Many of the businesses we talk to think they are boring and don’t have anything to say but we haven’t spoken to any who don’t actually have a library of useful Content, they just don’t know they have it and they don’t realise it is valuable if presented in the proper manner at the proper time.
For the March New Media Breakfast we thought it would be useful to explore Content and provide some ideas about what to talk about. We will also demonstrate how to create and maintain a content plan which will enable you to manage your content and make sure it is being shared with your community at the optimum time.
The March breakfast will be presented by Gordon White and perhaps other members of the fatBuzz team and the case study organisations.
Venue: 29 Member's Club, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow
Date: Friday 28th March 2014
Time: 7.30am for 8am
Cost: £10+VAT
If you are a 29 Member you can attend the breakfast free of charge. Please email fiona@fatbuzz.com with you membership number and she will add you to the attendance list.
We hope you can make it along to this event. If so, I look forward to seeing you on the day.
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